Category Archives: Articles

The Indian city of Diu is 100% powered by the sun

The city of Diu has become India‘s first and only municipality to receive 100% of its energy needs from solar power. Located in the southern region of the Indian state of Gujarat, Diu is governed directly by the Indian federal government, which has prioritized the growth of solar energy throughout the country. In only three years […]

Congress rejects Trump’s renewable energy budget cuts

Energy · Environment · News · Politics · Renewable Energy Congress rejects Trump’s renewable energy budget cuts Written by Greg BeachonMar 22, 2018EnvironmentConservationEnergy VIEW SLIDESHOW Congress has reached a deal on a $1.3 trillion budget the 2018 fiscal year – and it doesn’t include the clean energy cuts demanded by the Trump Administration. President Trump’s budget proposal would have cut funding from carbon capture and […]